HCAF: Embracing Age Diversity: Transforming Your Agency's Workforce (SN, OT, ST, PT - 1.0 ACCT - 1.0 BEH)

1 module


Course Length
50 mins

John Dalton



In a time where workforce shortages challenge our agencies, the solution might lie in embracing the wealth of experience offered by retired individuals. This session explores how corporations worldwide are shifting their perspectives on workforce effectiveness and combatting ageism in the recruitment process. Join us to learn how to break free from outdated notions of "overqualification" and harness the potential of a diverse and resilient workforce.


Speakers/Course Authors - John Dalton


Course Objectives:

  • Define Ageism and the stereotypes that come along how we have always done it.

  • Redefining our expectations of Retirement age.

  • Building a multigenerational workforce that includes bringing in employees back that were not considered in the past.

  • The importance of building a staff that also reflects our clients.

  • Strategies to recruit and cost saving that may come along with hiring the more senior employee.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate HCAF Course Certificate

Learning credits

HCAF: Embracing Age Diversity: Transforming Your Agency's Workforce
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