HCAF: Guarantee Your Success With Home Health Value-Based Purchasing - Part 4 (SN, OT, ST - 1.5)

1 module


Course Length
90 mins

Kimberly McCormick



Part 4: Driving Your VBP Outcomes Home to Qualify for the Bonus

HH’s Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) Model is the latest of the Impact Act Volume to Value reforms to affect how we develop and deliver care to our homebound patients. By redefining HH quality in terms of positively rewarding rapid clinical and fiscal outcomes, VBP seeks to improve the HH Provider’s care efficiency. As a result, traditional HH Care production and management processes fail to achieve VBP-based quality baselines and the related bonus payment. Furthermore, the VBP model requires certain outcome levels that are significantly beyond what is routinely seen in HH.

When reviewing the HH VBP model, it quickly becomes apparent that the depth and specificity employed to track, define, and reward qualified care extends well beyond the current level of management in most HH agencies. The complexity of VBP contrasts starkly with both the Star Ratings and HH Care Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HHCAHPS) models we know, and it is much more difficult to achieve success. Though VBP focuses on outcome areas that are the traditional clinical and quality measures we are familiar with, VBP requires composite scores for success, so any areas where we might underperform will limit our success. Finally, HH VPB will deliver bonus payments to the top 10% of HH Providers nationally, and few if any Providers could hope to qualify for the bonus without a major VBP-based quality initiative in their agencies.

Speakers/Course Authors - Kimberly McCormick & Arnie Cisneros


Part 4: Driving Your VBP Outcomes Home to Qualify for the Bonus

  • Identifying initial VBP Operations for V2V Culture change

  • Expectations in terms of VBP Operational rollout – move closer to staff

  • What HH staff pushback looks like during VBP transition

  • Addressing VBP Culture change for Success – move closer to your staff

  • Driving home Readmission reduction under VBP – single digits required

  • Case study outcomes from HH Providers after Operational rewire for success

  • A demonstration of SOC-DC HH Program Development and Management

  • Visualizing the next HH delivery model & success after VPB


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate HCAF Course Certificate

Learning credits

HCAF: Guarantee Your Success With Home Health Value-Based Purchasing - Part 4
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