HCAF: Private Duty Lunch Chat: Unlocking the Right EMR: Navigating Selection (SN, OT, ST - 1.0)

1 module


Course Length
60 mins

Erin Vallier



In this Zoom recording of HCAF’s Private Duty Lunch Chat, we will discover a comprehensive roadmap from inception to execution of Electronic Medical Record (EMR) software evaluation and selection. Gain an end-to-end view of the process, empowering you to make informed decisions. Learn to sift through options effectively with tips on assessing genuine organizational needs, ensuring alignment with your goals. 

Engagement is key; understand which staff members to involve for enhanced outcomes and seamless change management. Explore strategies to foster internal collaboration and garner support throughout the transition. 

Moreover, decipher the qualities of an ideal tech partner. Uncover essential traits to look for in a collaborative ally, enabling a successful EMR integration. From functionalities to support structures, delve into the criteria critical for a fruitful partnership.

Join us to demystify the EMR journey, equipping yourself with the insights necessary to embark on this transformative process confidently. 

Speakers/Course Authors - Erin Vallier


By the end of this presentation, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify the essential steps involved in the EMR evaluation and selection process, comprehensively understanding the journey from initiation to implementation.
  2. Evaluate organizational needs effectively, employing practical tips to discern critical requirements from optional features, ensuring alignment with overarching goals and objectives. 
  3. Determine key stakeholders within the organization crucial for successful EMR adoption, strategizing engagement strategies to facilitate change management and garner support, thereby fostering a smooth transition.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate HCAF Course Certificate

Learning Credits

HCAF: Private Duty Lunch Chat: Unlocking the Right EMR: Navigating Selection
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