HCAF: Mastering Clinical Management: Leveraging Data, Benchmarks, and Case Management for Optimal Outcomes (SN, OT, ST - 1 CEU, ACCT - 1TB)

1 module


Course Length
60 mins

Aaron Timmer



Join us for an engaging session tailored to Medicare home health professionals eager to enhance their clinical management skills. Presented by J'non Griffin, Principal of SimiTree, this session will explore opportunities for providers to elevate patient outcomes and financial performance by harnessing the power of data and benchmarks. Additionally, we'll delve into the integration of case management strategies into this dynamic discussion, providing a comprehensive approach to healthcare delivery. Participants will learn to navigate the complexities of clinical management effectively, ensuring improved patient care and financial success for your agency. Don't miss this chance to optimize your clinical practices and achieve excellence in home health services.

Speaker/Course Author - J'non Griffin


By the end of this presentation, participants will:

  • Learner will be able to define the role of the clinical manager per CoPs

  • The learner will understand how to determine staffing metrics for job duties assigned

  • The learner will understand the baseline metrics and KPIs to monitor.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate HCAF Course Certificate

Learning Credits

HCAF: Mastering Clinical Management: Leveraging Data, Benchmarks, and Case Management for Optimal...
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