1 module
Course Length
60 mins
Aaron Timmer
This Month's Hot Topic: Home Health Emergency Preparedness
Is your agency prepared for an emergency? This session discusses testing, training activation, implementation, and evaluation of your emergency program to ensure agency readiness before, during, and after an emergency to protect patients, staff, business continuity, and agency assets. Discussion will include resources, tools, scenarios, and guidance to ensure your agency is emergency-prepared at all times.
Speaker/Course Author - Victoria Barron, MBA, BSN, RN, COS-C
At the conclusion of this program, the participant will
- Express an understanding of proper steps for testing and evaluation of their agency's emergency preparedness program
- Understand the steps they can take to ensure continued readiness for an emergency
- Understand how to effectively activate their emergency preparedness plans and steps to take post-emergency
By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate HCAF Course Certificate (No CE)
HCAF: Home Health Hot Topics Series: Home Health Emergency Preparedness
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