HCAF: Home Health Revenue Cycle Series: Part 6 - PEPPER – The Direct Impact of Billing on PEPPER Data

1 module


Course Length
60 mins

Aaron Timmer



We invite you to join for this month's Home Health Revenue Cycle session, an informative monthly series that covers Medicare-Certified industry hot topics.


This month's topic: "PEPPER – The Direct Impact of Billing on PEPPER Data" This session will take agencies through each target that is calculated on the PEPPER reports and the details that are utilized from your 30-day claims in order to get to those percentages.  Who should review PEPPER in your agency and what should they do with the results? 


Speaker/Course Author - Melinda Gaboury, COS-C 


At the conclusion of this program, the participant will:

  • Understand the importance of checking their PEPPER report annually
  • Understand how to access their PEPPER reports
  • Describe how to interpret the data contained in the PEPPER Report
  • Explain the potential impact of their data


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate HCAF Course Certificate (No CE)

HCAF: Home Health Revenue Cycle Series: Part 6 - PEPPER – The Direct Impact of Billing on PEPPER Data
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