Cybercrime is one of the top economic crimes in the world, with cost estimates soon to reach into the trillions. Not only have victim demographics expanded from the large well-known organizations to the small and mid-sized, healthcare providers are now a consistent target. The recent ransomware attacks, and threats of more to come, have raised questions regarding security and available protection mechanisms. This presentation will review the critical areas of concern within your environment, provide insight, and offer tools to defend against these attacks. It will also focus on recovery and the importance of preparing for data loss.
Types of security attacks
Symptoms of an attack
Common methods used to infiltrate networks
Importance of a security-minded network design
Methods to control data flow to reduce riskes
Vulnerable areas and how those risks relate to your environment
Malware protection mechanisms and deployment
Monitoring, alerting, and prevention methods
Impact of data loss and ways to mitigate the risk
Data restoration methods and the importance of a working data-protection policy
Take-Away Toolkit:
List of trusted online analysis tools
Reference websites
General security assessment checklist"
By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate HCAF Course Certificate (No CE)
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