HCAF: Home Care, start your engines!

1 module


Course Length
25 mins

Michelle Rogers

$9.00 USD


In this kickoff session, Michelle Rogers of Health First Homecare will take us around the first lap of today’s sessions. Just as the “high groove” takes a car closer to the outside wall for most of the lap, while the “low groove” takes a car closer to the apron than the outside wall, so too will Michelle start us up. She will welcome attendees and set the tone for a motivating, educating, and engaging program. Essentially waving the green flag, Michelle will provide an overview of our industry, issues, and statistics, as well as how HCAF is leading the pack for providers with these challenges and turbo-launch us into the day of learning and networking ahead.


Course Objectives:

  • Understand the overall landscape of home care industry in Florida.
  • Describe the top 8 home care industry trends.
  • Outline the top 7 opportunities for home care agencies.
  • List the top 6 challenges facing home care businesses.
  • Explain the top 2 public policy changes that affect home care.
  • Describe some resources available to support home care agencies.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate HCAF Course Certificate (No CE)

HCAF: Home Care, start your engines!
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Added 4 months ago, by Glorivrr

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