HCAF: Boosting Clinician Efficiency While Promoting Work-Life Balance (1 SN, OT, ST CEU)

1 module


Course Length
60 mins

Michael Greenlee



Are you looking to enhance clinician efficiency and create a better work-life balance within your home care agency? Look no further! HCAF invites you to a webinar where we will delve into the strategies and insights necessary for maintaining a thriving clinical team in the face of evolving industry demands and staffing retention challenges.


Boosting staff morale is essential for creating a positive work environment, increasing employee satisfaction, and improving overall productivity. In the big picture, all of these play a part in creating an agency’s brand in the marketplace. While analytics alone cannot directly boost staff morale, it can be used as a tool to gain insights and guide strategies that can have a positive impact. 


Speaker/Course Author - Michael Greenlee Founder and CEO, HealthRev Partners

Hannah Vale Chief Strategy Officer, HealthRev Partners 


By the end of this webinar, active learners will be equipped to:

  • Utilize Analytics: Leverage data-driven insights to assess your agency's performance and make informed decisions for enhanced efficiency.
  • Boost Morale: Identify the crucial elements that contribute to clinician morale and implement strategies to elevate job satisfaction.
  • Foster a Resilient Culture: Design a work culture that thrives amidst industry changes, including those driven by OASIS-E, and empowers your clinical staff.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate HCAF Course Certificate

Learning Credits

HCAF: Boosting Clinician Efficiency While Promoting Work-Life Balance
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