HCAF: Medicare Margins Past, Present, and Future: You Need to Be Better Than Average! (CEU: SN, OT, ST, PT - 1.5 & ACCT - 1TB)

1 module


Course Length
80 mins

HCAF eLearning



Medicare margins have increasingly been a subject of consternation by policy makers in recent years. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and Medicare Payment Advisory Commission calculate and present margins to Congress year after year, ultimately resulting in reduced reimbursement for providers through cuts and rebasing. How have profit margins been presented historically and more recently? How are they calculated? How have they been driving reimbursement rates? This session is a 'must' for any home health industry professional who wants to understand how Congress reacts to government reports about profit margins.

Course Instructor - John M. Reisinger

PT credits awarded for course completions are approved for 1 year and expire at the end of the calendar year unless otherwise stated.

For a complete list of courses offering PT credits for this year, click here.


At the end of the presentation the participants will be able to:

1. Attendees will be able to discuss the difference between a Profit Margin and a Medicare Margin

2. Attendees will be able to identify the process MedPac and CMS use to calculate Medicare Margins

3. Attendees will be able to elaborate on the calculations used to determine Medicare Margins for the HH industry and offer a judgment on such

4. Understand how to calculate their agency’s Medicare Margins for comparison


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate HCAF Course Certificate

Learning Credits

HCAF Course: Medicare Margins Past, Present, and Future: You Need to Be Better Than Average!
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